I Swear, The Book Is Coming

Posted: 29th September 2013 by EricBierker in Uncategorized


Swearing, for sure. Just when I think the book is ready to go, I have another wave of revisions. I feel like the Boy that cried Wolf. The Boy who cried Book. Tsunami editing…

This last wave was the result of a book store owner graciously taking the time to read the book and provide his thoughts. His assessment? A very good book with a lot of minor problems. That really become major when taken in their totality. 16 pages of typewritten suggestions from the astute book proprietor who is very well-known in bookstore circles. He is a Brahmin of Books and it would not have been a good idea to disregard his thoughts. He was delayed in his ability to send me his suggestions by a tragic event, which made his efforts even more admirable and appreciated. Yet, the practical side of all of it was that I was in a holding pattern for nearly three weeks awaiting his feedback.

I am three-quarters through the revision process and I have to hope that this is it. The book is leaner and meaner in a good way. Like a choice cut of meat, I have trimmed the fat. The bookstore owner’s suggestions centered on two major themes. Avoiding the stating of the obvious or quoting someone else where I could just say and write it better myself. In review and retrospect, sometimes things are obvious when someone more informed and objective has the opportunity to weigh in. I have him permission to go at it with full force and asked for him to tell me what he thought with no need to couch his suggestions with kid gloves.

It hurt to hear but it has helped. I am able to complete about two chapters each Saturday in the revision process. After that, I get punch-drunk and loses my writing jab and ring legs. I need to be fresh when revising because it does little good to change the text and put something else in that lacks firepower. It tends to become a case of diminishing returns. Lame and lamer.

If you have come to this page as a result of listening to the Lancast podcast about the book, I will announce on this CTG site when the book is ready to roll. I am hoping next Saturday. But, I have been wrong before. And wrong before that. And wrong before that. So, stay tuned.

All in all, I think the interview went well. Some of my answers were far too wordy and lengthy. I have to get better in presenting my ideas in succinct manner. And, also avoid saying “You Know” a trillion times in 40 minutes. Thanks to The Lancast for interviewing me. I love Lancaster. This is a cool and vibrant community where outsiders think we are all inbred six-fingered Amish. Not so, there are a ton of cool and talented people here who have five fingers on each hand and enormous talent.



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