Book Hard Copy is Published!

Posted: 15th June 2013 by EricBierker in Uncategorized

Yesterday, I just decided to damn the torpedoes and publish the book on Lulu. Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

It actually was a lot easier than I thought. Just do it yourself. Says I, until I see what I screwed up. I hope not. The draft hard copy is to arrive in a couple of days.

My computer skills are probably better than some with  publishing but I am far from proficient. I  can  get by. I have always loved the idea of publishing. And for someone who grew up with mimeograph purple sheets, this current era is like being in a Digital Disneyworld instead of the rusty swing era on the publishing playground of my youth.

These days we have incredible access to means to be  heard and seen. But, do we deserve to be heard or seen? Do I? Some people take the easy way to notoriety by doing something bizarre or lewd. Like a freak show. The quality can go up or down considering the artistic and technical merit. People get out of it what they put into it. That will never change.

The ebook on  Kindle is still my preferred selling medium. For the month of June, it is priced at $ 2.99.


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