The Khan Academy

Posted: 3rd April 2011 by EricBierker in Academics

Imagine students who go to a website to learn academic information rather than playing a video game…and having more fun doing so?

Welcome to the Khan Academy. We are clearly at a time in history where we have convergence among variables that are freeing up the distribution of knowledge. Technology is the delivery modality, interaction with information, and assessment that informs the learner to know where they stand and permits them to circle back to relearn, all promise to bring forth a yield of engagement previously impossible. Teachers now are more of a facilitator of learning rather than the sole distributor of information. Now that money is running out we have to find more efficient models to deliver knowledge. The Khan Academy is the right idea of how to do it.

Watch this video and if this does not excite you, check you pulse. This will have profound implications of all levels of education. The game’s rules are changing.

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