On Campus, In Class, Online

Posted: 7th November 2010 by EricBierker in Academics

This is a pretty fascinating article about traditional college students on or around campus taking classes on-line.

It seems to be a reasonable methodology  to address the cost of brick and mortar issues…if the students don’t need to be in same room, there is no need for the room, not to mention to light, heat, and clean it.

Colleges for years have packed undergraduates in by the hundreds and perhaps even thousands into large lecture halls for intro courses where grad assistants patrol and hover like minions as well as grade the papers. And, the professor just drones on…a drone, that is what he is.

I can’t see why an online course is any worse than this.

I only had two really large, over 100 student classes, at Millersville University. The irony of it all is that a good chunk of my high school went to main campus of Penn State where they packed students into rooms almost as big as Beaver Stadium for a good part of their first two years. And, to be there was considered better than going where I did.

Me? I got to know and ask my professors questions, grade my papers, and have discussion, all in classes of 25 students or less.

Who received the better education? I am sure that I did. Although, Penn State does have a better football team and the Frat parties were more rocking.




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